Challenging the status quo: diversity in the audiovisual industry

Countless professionals and companies are pulling in the same direction day in, day out to change the status quo. The new TAKE dossier highlights a narrative which is still being written by professionals working on different projects and South Tyrolean, Italian, German, and Austrian associations.

Arab and European co-production: the pros outweigh the cons

At the IDM’s INCONTRI #12 cinema conference, one of the panels debated the varied, large landscape of North African and Middle Eastern cinema. TAKE’s new dossier looks at the ensemble cast from the MENA region, providing an overview of the Arab film industry as well as the opportunities and challenges of European co-productions.

Is There Anybody Out There? Skill Shortages in the Film Industry

The scenery has changed like never before due to the COVID-19 pandemic: a shortage of employees, craftspeople, and service providers everywhere. But how does this phenomenon affect the film industry? Author Florian Krautkrämer examines the situation and the proposals for solutions in this latest TAKE dossier.

The Platform Gold Rush

In the race for subscribers, local content is the most valuable gold nugget for an increasing number of platforms. So, what are their strategies? And what are the consequences for European producers and funding bodies? The new TAKE Dossier provides some answers

Canceled, postponed, gone digital

The pandemic has plunged Europe’s film festivals into their biggest crisis. Now they’re restructuring – and seeking the right format for the future.