Ruth Olshan - RACCONTI #2

Ruth Olshan was born in Moscow in 1970 and grew up in Israel and Germany. After winning a scholarship, she studied Directing and Screenwriting in the UK and Germany. She has lived in various countries, including Italy and Georgia, but now she is based in Germany, where she works as a novelist, scriptwriter, consultant for documentary films and director of fiction and documentary films. She has published three novels for young adults and adults – Die Sache mit der Liebe und den Flügeln (Boje Verlag), All die schönen Dinge (Oetinger) and Immergrün (in negotiation) –, which led her to be selected by the Bayerische Akademie des Schreibens (Bavarian Academy of Writing).



›› Raspberries with Mustard | feature film | NDR | director, co-writer

›› Savannah | TV movie | Crea TV, WDR | director

›› Wie Luft zum Atmen | documentary | Aquafilm, ARTE, ZDF | writer, director



