The Valley

The Valley

Nuno Escudeiro

Refused and pulled back by heavy police controls and barricades in Ventimiglia/Menton, many refugees have no choice but to walk north, through the Alps and train tunnels, to cross the infamous border of Italy and France. Thirty kilometres north they find the Roya Valley, surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Alps. Here, a vibrant community welcomes them into their homes, gives them food and shelter. It all started with a small group of people from the valley. Soon after, seeing the dismay and suffering of the refugees crossing their land, others took action to protect them and organizing their safe transportation across the valley. About one year ago, the group decided to make their actions public, considering that what they do should not be hidden, but proudly shown as an act of solidarity. Six people from Roya are already facing criminal charges. As the political situation in France takes a turn, the public opinion on the actions of the group stands as divided as the country.

Production details
Director: Nuno Escudeiro
Writer: Moritz Bonatti, Nuno Escudeiro
Genre: Documentary
Production company: Miramonte Film des Valerio Moser und Andreas Pichler OHG, Bozen
In coproduction with: Point du Jour Sarl., Paris
Funding type: Production
Funding sum: 80.000,00 €