Sprite Sisters - Vier zauberhafte Schwestern (working title)

Sprite Sisters - Vier zauberhafte Schwestern (working title)

Sven Unterwaldt , 2018

The sisters Flame, Marina, Flora and Sky live in Cantrip Towers, a splendid but old manor house and are preparing to take part in a music competition as SPRITE SISTERS. When Sky, the youngest, wakes up on her 9th birthday, she discovers that she can make objects float in the air. The other sisters aren't surprised, because they also received magic powers at that age. Each of the sisters commands an element: Fire, earth, water, and air. When the sisters lay their hands on the mosaic on the top floor of the house, they feel a huge power coursing through them: unknowingly they have re-opened a fountain which doesn't go unnoticed in the world of magic. Glenda, mistress of the black arts, feels the ripples right away. She must have possession of Cantrip Towers and the fountain to increase her power, sneaks her way into the lives of the girls, sowing discord until she gets what she wants: the girls, completely disunited beginning to lose their powers and the fountain its protection?

Production details
Director: Sven Unterwaldt
Writer: Hortense Ullrich
Genre: Family
Production company: Filmvergnügen (South Tyrol)
In coproduction with: blue eyes Fiction & Co (München/Germany), Dor Film (Vienna/Austria), Story House Productions (Berlin/Germany)
Funding type: Production
Funding sum: 500.000,00 €