Geld regiert die Welt: Die Fugger

Geld regiert die Welt: Die Fugger

Werner Köhne, 2011

The documentary tells the story of the rise and fall of the entrepreneurial Fugger dynasty from Augsburg in Southern Germany. The Fuggers had a huge influence on European history for over two centuries. They devised the most important principles of our current economic system. By providing credit for both emperors and popes, the Fuggers also significantly influenced the politics of their time. Although they set a clear course during the conflict of the Reformation their private lives were hardly ever free from scandals or tragedy.

Production details
Director: Werner Köhne
Writer: Werner Köhne, Andrè Schäfer
Production company: Florianfilm (DE)
Funding type: Production
Funding sum: 50.000,00 €