

Gustav Hofer, Luca Ragazzi

"To have a penis is to be chained to a madman" wrote Sophocles more than 2500 years ago. He was right then and he is still right today. Donald Trump won the White House despite his openly misogynist and chauvinistic stands. Intellectuals, feminists, activists, democrats and even some Republicans are asking themselves: how can this be possible? There is a place in the world that could have the answers to that question. It's Italy! Everything in the country seems to revolve around the dick. Just think. It can boast 887 nicknames and the country's curious mix of dictators and Latin Lovers - from Casanova to Mussolini and Berlusconi - were most definetely driven by their penises. 

Production details
Director: Gustav Hofer, Luca Ragazzi
Writer: Gustav Hofer, Simona Seveso, Luca Ragazzi
Production company: DOCLAB (IT)
Funding type: Production
Funding sum: 34.000,00 €