Alkohol - der globale Rausch (ex. Zaubertrank)

Alkohol - der globale Rausch (ex. Zaubertrank)

Andreas Pichler , 2018

Alcohol is the world's most powerful drug. Four billion people drink it regularly and the number is rising. Alcohol has been part of Western culture for millennia. Today alcohol stands for enjoyment, provides for a good mood and is above all an important economic factor in Germany, France and the EU as a whole. Alcohol is also a lucrative source of revenue for the state, but on closer inspection the results appear devastating. While 1.8 million Germans are officially addicted to alcohol, the number of unreported cases is unknown. Around the world, someone dies from the effects of alcohol every ten seconds - almost 3 million deaths a year. From a purely factual viewpoint, it seems completely irrational that we do not ban alcohol, or at least severely restrict it. But why do we not do this? And why, all over the world, are more and more people drinking? It all comes down to politics, a great deal of money, the human need for intoxication and our ambivalent social attitudes to drugs.

Production details
Director: Andreas Pichler
Writer: Andreas Pichler
Genre: Documentary
Production company: Miramonte Film OHG / s.n.c., Bozen Bolzano (Italy)
In coproduction with: Eikon Media GmbH, Berlin (Germany)
Funding type: Production
Funding sum: 90.000,00 €